
The full list can be found on my Google Scholar or DBLP


  1. Analysis of Nakamoto Consensus, Revisited [Paper] [Selected as “Paper of the Week” (Issue #31) by ZK Capital]
    Jianyu Niu, Chen Feng, Hoang Dau, Yu-Chih Huang, Jingge Zhu

  2. EBFT: Simplifying BFT Consensus Through Egalitarianism
    Jianyu Niu, Runchao Han, Shengqi Liu, Fangyu Gai, Ivan Beschastnikh, Yinqian Zhang, Chen Feng
    [One variant used in VeChain] [Paper] [Previous version selected as reading list by Stanford EE374]
  3. An Empirical Study on Ethereum Private Transactions and the Security Implications [Paper]
    Xingyu Lyu, Mengya Zhang, Xiaokuan Zhang, Jianyu Niu, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin

Conference Publications (*corresponding author, _ supervised students)

  1. [SecureComm’23] Byzantine Protocols with Asymptotically Optimal Communication Complexity
    Hanzheng Lyu, Shaokang Xie, Jianyu Niu, Chen Feng
    EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks.
  2. [ICDE’23] Scaling Blockchain Consensus via a Robust Shared Mempool
    Fangyu Gai, Jianyu Niu*, Ivan Beschastnikh, Chen Feng, Sheng Wang
    IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering.
  3. [CCS’22] Narrator: Secure and Practical State Continuity for Trusted Execution in the Cloud
    Jianyu Niu, Wei Peng, Xiaokuan Zhang, Yinqian Zhang
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
  4. [CCS’22] ENGRAFT: Enclave-guarded Raft on Byzantine Faulty Nodes
    Weili Wang, Sen Deng, Jianyu Niu, Michael K. Reiter, Yinqian Zhang
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
  5. [IWQoS’22] When Power-of-d-Choices Meets Priority
    Jianyu Niu, Chunpu Wang, Hong Xu, Chen Feng
    IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service, Virtual, Jun. 2022.
  6. [MSN’21] Publish or Perish: Defending Withholding Attack in Dfinity Consensus (Best Paper Award)
    Hanzheng Lyu, Jianyu Niu, Fangyu Gai, Chen Feng
    IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking, Virtual, Dec. 2021.
  7. [ICDCS’21] Dissecting the Performance of Chained-BFT
    Fangyu Gai, Ali Farahbakhsh, Jianyu Niu, Chen Feng, Ivan Beschastnikh, Hao Duan
    IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Virtual, Jul. 2021.
  8. [INFOCOM’21] On the Performance of Pipelined HotStuff [Blogs]
    Jianyu Niu, Fangyu Gai, Mohammad Mussadiq Jalalzai, Chen Feng
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Virtual, May. 2021.
  9. [Performance’20] Incentive Analysis of Bitcoin-NG, Revisited
    Jianyu Niu, Ziyu Wang, Fangyu Gai, Chen Feng
    International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation, Virtual, Nov. 2020.
  10. [ICDCS’19] Selfish Mining in Ethereum
    Jianyu Niu, Chen Feng
    IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Dallas, Texas, Jun. 2019.

Journal Publications

  1. [TDSC] Fast-Hotstuff: A Fast and Resilient Hotstuff Protocol [Paper] [Selected as reading list by Stanford EE374]
    Mohammad Jalalzai, Jianyu Niu, Chen Feng, Fangyu Gai
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023.
  2. [IoTJ] A Secure Sidechain for Decentralized Trading in Internet of Things
    Fangyu Gai , Jianyu Niu*, Mohammad M. Jalalzai , Seyed Ali Tabatabaee, Chen Feng
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
  3. [TDSC] SodsBC: A Practical Post-quantum by Design Asynchronous Blockchain Framework
    Shlomi Dolev, Bingyong Guo, Jianyu Niu, Ziyu Wang (Alphabetically ordered)
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023.
  4. [TDSC] Crystal: Enhancing Blockchain Mining Transparency with Quorum Certificate
    Jianyu Niu, Fangyu Gai, Runchao Han, Ren Zhang, Yinqian Zhang, Chen Feng
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.
  5. [TDSC] The Hermes BFT for Blockchains
    Mohammad Jalalzai, Chen Feng, Costas Busch, Golden, Richard III, Jianyu Niu
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021.
  6. [PEVA] Incentive Analysis of Bitcoin-NG, Revisited
    Jianyu Niu, Ziyu Wang, Fangyu Gai, Chen Feng
    Elsevier journal Performance EvaluationFast tracked from Performance’20), 2020.